Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Blissful Simplicity of "Thank You"

Last night I ventured out to my first slam of 2013 (shout out to my friend Dulcie aka Mallu Girl Hair for winning her first Houston slam). Despite being exhausted in that way that makes me wonder if I haven't gone from 26 to 86 over the course of a day, I decided to get sort of jazzed up and hit the town.


In the above picture you can see the outfit that I wore last night (check the awesome thrifted leopard print maxi :-) along with this fantastic oversized necklace I bought recently. I received a few compliments on the necklace. One of those compliments came from a dude - and that conversation went something like this:

Dude: Oh, by the way I really like your necklace!

Me: Thanks! Yea, I got it for like $5 at this random shop on Harwin!

Dude: *awkward silence*

At first I was just excited to bring someone else into the revelry of thriftiness, but awkward silences have a way of giving you time to think through what you've just said. And that was when I realized how important it is to just say "Thank you." I mean men don't care when, where, why, or how you beat some other woman down in the store to buy a necklace. Other women might - well some - but it's just best to accept the compliment and move on. And if someone wants to know where or how much you paid they'll ask.

This is totally not a new concept. I mean I've been told once or twice I don't know how to accept a compliment. Usually this happens when someone tells me an outfit looks nice and I go into a diatribe about my weight and how nothing fits...totally negating the compliment by the end of the exchange. In the past I've done that for a couple of reasons: sometimes to fill the silence, but most times because I never felt good enough, or worthy enough to accept the compliment for what it was. 

But silence is golden and I am worth a little bit of praise; everyone is for something. And that other person is worth the validation a "thank you" bestows on the compliment-er. Like always it's all connected. Ya' got to let that compliment soak into your skin,  keep it simple, and just say "Thank you." 

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