Friday, January 25, 2013

My Solution to Resolutions

Life just got real. I think this is the most I've ever sweat in my life. #nolie.

Let's talk New Year's resolutions. At this point last year I'd taken a vow against making resolutions. I said it was because I never stick to them, but that was a lie. I shunned making resolutions in 2012 because I was beginning to scrape the bottom of hopelessness and making resolutions means you've got some sort of hope for things to come. Depression was setting in. The struggle was real. Resolutions were just too much.

2013 has already promised to be different. I know I'm not the only one who feels it either...almost every friend or associate I have has said they feel it. There's a buzz in the air that is nearly palpable if you are in the least bit willing to reach your hand out and feel it. I, for one, am reaching out with my arms wide open (under the sunlight...welcome to this place...I'll show you everything...)

This year I've made five resolutions.Each resolutions encompasses some area of growth in mind, body, and spirit. One of those happens to be losing these stubborn pounds that are weighing down my inner Beyonce, hence the sweaty pic above. I used to hate the people who would make this resolution and show up at the gym perpetrating every year. But alas, now I'm one of them. Well, minus the perpetrating part. You see this year, I've got more than just some pipe dreams disguised as resolutions. I've got a plan.

 I decided to also set mini-goals to go with each resolution in order that I might experience some short-term success towards all of them. It also helps me not be discouraged that I haven't morphed into someone different and (more) amazing by now. For example, one of my goals towards weight loss is to track my meals 5/7 days a week. I'm doing awesome at that and I have awesome documentation to refer to in order to hit one of my other goals which is to journal about my "good" and "bad" food days. Another resolution is  to be kinder to myself. Some of goals for that are to journal more (check) and to give myself guilt-free rewards (check).

We've hit that three week mark where most people give up on their resolutions and I'm glad to say I'm still going strong, mostly because I've hit a goal in every resolution. It also helps that I have all of this written down so I can refer to it constantly. And I do remind myself - everyday - of where I'm going this year.  I'm confident with my plan of goal-mapping my resolutions that I'm on my way to awesome improvements this year. Are you?

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