So anyway, back to that Resurrection high. I've read the story of the Resurrection hundreds of times..okay that may be an exaggeration...but I've read it a lot and this time it was like I read it with fresh eyes and in turn I gained some fresh perspective on where I am in my journey to bliss.
One of my New Year's resolutions was to lose the weight I've been carrying around for the last few years. I set up some mini-goals for myself along the way which originally included:
Complete Yoga X without stopping by March 31*
Re-start a running program by Daylight Savings
Track meals 5/7 days of the week
Food journal on good and “bad” food days to get
to the root of emotional eating
Report weight loss and gain to TDS Team*
7 PM is reserved for workouts during the week
except for Tuesday and Wednesday*
Rewards for every 5 lb weight loss
I've put an asterisk next to each goal that I need to rethink. That's more for me than for you, so I digress. Anywho. While I have lost an amount that shall remain undisclosed at this time, I have not been losing at a rate that I'd like and that occasionally gets discouraging. Okay more than occasionally. Maybe more than discouraging. When you factor in visits from friends and family, late night snack attacks with the girls, and the occasional PMS craving for a whole cake from The Chocolate Bar (which I have yet to give into...only by the grace of God lol)...I have spent several of the past few weeks in tears because making PERMANENT CHANGE happen is hard. Really hard.
I find myself boo-hooing, and woe-is-me-ing, and dangerously close to upending my other resolution to be kinder to myself this year. On those days when I am scraping at the bottom of my resolve, I so easily forget that I have promise. A promise that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. A promise that all will be well in my body as it is in my my soul. A promise to myself to feed and care for my body as Christ does the body of believers (the church). Yea that's powerful stuff, but I forget sometimes. And I revert to crying over what looks like a lost dream. I bet the disciples thought their dreams had been lost that day when Jesus took His last breath on the cross...
See Jesus told His disciples that He would be killed and be buried, but He also promised them He would rise three days later. This weekend I heard the pastor of The429 here in Houston preach that he would have been posted up outside the tomb waiting for Jesus to get up with a countdown and everything. I'd like to think I'd be there too. I'd like to think that after watching Jesus perform miracle after miracle after miracle that if He said He'd get up from the grave, I'd believe and be ready and waiting with a "Haha I told you my He'd do it." But like the disciples, sometimes I waver.
Sometimes I get so caught up in my own emotions over what looks like a dead dream or a dead future that I forget what God has promised me. Just like He promised to rise from the grave, He promises to raise us into new life as well. All He really asks us to do is to believe.
With that in mind I know I've got to keep working at what I want for my mind, body, and spirit to the best of my ability, but I've also got to keep believing in what I've been promised. That's what faith's all about ya know?
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