Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spring Fever

So it's February - and Spring is in the air! In Houston, I suppose this is perfectly acceptable. Growing up in Ohio the first signs of spring were like a relief that winter would not actually last forever as I was often convinced it would.

For the past 4 years I've been utterly convinced there is no such thing as Spring in Houston, but this year is different. This year everywhere I turn I see trees and bushes in bloom - I am literally seeing this season for the first time in my city. I am sure it has been there all along, but this version of me has not.

This year, God is very clearly drawing these parallels for me between my own rebuilding/reawakening and the awakening of nature in springtime. It's like He's walking me around creation with fresh eyes so that I can see my own awakening and blooming with fresh eyes. He is so good to me :-)

There is so much more brewing up in me to share, but I'll save that for later this weekend. In the meantime, I did eek out a is a rough draft and probably not fit for publication on the Interwebs, but then again who cares? Maybe I'll revise someday - until then - HAPPY READING!

When I laid the tree branches bare
Under the meekness of a Sunbelt winter
There was a message for you there
Daughter my promises of restoration were
Never to be lost on you
At times I wished you could remember this
Just the way I whispered into you
Before you were formed in your mother’s womb
I foreknew you
Understood you
Watched you as you built up a house of cards
Watched it shake
With each blow of rejection, of objection
To the identity I had called you to
It was only a matter of time before
I laid your own house bare like the trees
Tore down the self-misconceptions like leaves
But there is always spring.
Remember how you loved to watch
Buds push forth their first blooms
Under the watchful patient eye of Midwest sun
Remember how you longed to
Chase down the first days
Of sun, and green, and bloom
How you swore up to my ears
There was no spring here under the scorch
Of Texas sun
But there was
There is
And this spring I will show you every
Bud, blossom, and bloom
If only to remind you
You are being renewed.
I love you
Won’t you let me show you your Spring?

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